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explore subfolder image 2013
An Adobe Acrobat file Verbale n. 1 2013.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 61.02 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file Verbale n. 2 2013.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 60.71 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file Verbale n. 3 2013.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 129.28 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file Verbale n. 4 2013.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 54.24 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file Verbale n. 5 2013.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 61.95 KB
explore subfolder image 2014
An Adobe Acrobat file Codice del comportamento. Emissione parere.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 34.09 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file Griglia Valutazione.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 97.51 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file Iter valutazione. Inizio.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 63.3 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file Parere_Codice_Comportamento.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 36.86 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file Verbale_Insediamento_20122013.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 132.92 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file Verbale del 03.01.2014.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 24.18 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file Verbale n. 6 del 14.02.2014.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 114.97 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file Verbale n. 7 del 08.05.2014.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 254.92 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file Verbale n. 8 del 22.05.2014.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 189.27 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file Verbale n. 9 del 11.06.2014.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 146.66 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file Verbale n. 10 del 29.07.2014.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 188.55 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file Verbale n. 11 del 29.08.2014.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 176.9 KB
explore subfolder image 2015
A Microsoft Excel file Scheda_Relazione_RPC.xlsxDownload Preceding File 44.5 KB
explore subfolder image attestazioni
explore subfolder image 2014
A Microsoft Word file DocumentoAttestazione.docDownload Preceding File 28.5 KB
A Microsoft Excel file GrigliaRilevazione.xlsDownload Preceding File 107 KB
A Microsoft Word file SchedaSintesi.docxDownload Preceding File 17.97 KB
A Microsoft Word file Verbale.docxDownload Preceding File 18.73 KB
explore subfolder image 2015
An Adobe Acrobat file Attestazione.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 80.2 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file GrigliaRilevazione.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.28 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file SchedaDiSintesi.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 82.37 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file Verbale.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 392.91 KB
explore subfolder image 2016
A file of unknown type DocumentoAttestazione.pdf.p7mDownload Preceding File 68.56 KB
A file of unknown type GrigliaRilevazioneAll 2.pdf.p7mDownload Preceding File 141.25 KB
A file of unknown type GrigliaRilevazioneAll 2.xls.p7mDownload Preceding File 26.54 KB
A file of unknown type SchedaSintesiAll 3.pdf.p7mDownload Preceding File 74.33 KB
explore subfolder image 2017
An Adobe Acrobat file AttoOrganizzativo.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 871.35 KB
explore subfolder image 2018
A Microsoft Excel file All_2.1_Griglia_di_rilevazione.xlsDownload Preceding File 34 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file Allegato1_1.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 64.88 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file Allegato3.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 50.71 KB
explore subfolder image 2019
A Microsoft Excel file All_2_1_Griglia-di-rilevazione.xlsDownload Preceding File 36 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file Allegato_1-1.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 103.92 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file allegato1.1 213.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 52.05 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file Scheda di sintesi sulla rivelazione OIV.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 39.7 KB
A Microsoft Excel file allegato 2.1 alla delibera 213 2020.xlsDownload Preceding File 81 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file verbale n 2 del 27 luglio 2020.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 38.75 KB
explore subfolder image nomine
An Adobe Acrobat file Verbale_7_del_27_gen_2016.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 767.87 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file autorizzazione_incarico_extra_istituzionale_Ciccarelli.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 290.1 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file Dichiarazione inconferibilità Dott. Cavalli Alessandro.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 28.95 KB